Sunday, June 7, 2009

Top Ten Most Nutritious Foods.

    Benefit: Many people avoid them because they are high in fat. Avocados can help reduce cholesterol, and decrease the risk of cancer and diabetes. They also contain antioxidants.
    Nutrients: Vitamins E, C and B6, potassium, fiber, vitamin K and folate.
    Recipe tip: Spread on toast and melt low-fat cheese on top. Add sliced tomato.
    Benefits: Apples are loaded with antioxidants. They have vitamin C, which keeps your blood vessels healthy and helps you absorb iron. That means a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease, especially if you eat the skin.
    Nutrients: Fiber and vitamin C.
    Recipe tip: Chop and toss into a green salad.
    Benefits: All berries are highly nutritious. Eating blueberries regularly may improve short-term memory and slow the aging process. They may also help people with many diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and heart disease. Studies show that blueberries fight cancer better than other fruits.
    Nutrients: Fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese.
    Recipe tip: Mix with yogurt or cottage cheese. Add a small handful of crushed nuts.
    Benefit: Broccoli is part of a family that includes spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and collard greens. It is highly nutritious and may help prevent diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
    Nutrients: Calcium, potassium, folate, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese.
    Recipe tip: Sauté with a small amount of olive oil, garlic and chicken broth.
    Benefit: Try to eat at least two fish meals per week, especially wild salmon, herring and sardines. They provide the most heart-healthy omega-3 fats. Eating fish helps cut your risks for heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, stroke, diabetes and arthritis. It may also help with depression.
    Nutrients: B vitamins, phosphorus, protein, selenium and omega-3 fats.
    Recipe tip: If possible, choose wild salmon. It is less likely to contain chemicals like mercury. Brush fish with a mixture of orange juice and orange marmalade. Bake until done.
  6. BEANS (includes beans, split peas and lentils)
    Benefits: Beans provide energy that lasts for hours. They are high in fiber, which can lower your risk for heart disease and help control your blood sugar. They also may help fight cancer. All legumes - especially soy - are important in vegetarian diets because they are high in protein.
    Nutrients: Fiber, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, protein, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, calcium and zinc.
    Recipe tip: Add rinsed, canned beans to your favorite salad.
    Benefits: Mushrooms - especially shiitake - have powerful effects on the immune system. They may help prevent and treat cancer, viral diseases, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
    Nutrients: Fiber, protein, vitamin C, folate, iron, zinc, manganese, vitamin D, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, copper and selenium.
    Recipe tip: Sauté with a small amount of olive oil along with onions and zucchini. Add to your favorite tomato sauce for a heart-healthy pasta topping.
    Benefits: These nuts are packed with nutrients. They're also good for your heart. The monounsaturated fat in almonds can help lower your cholesterol if you substitute them for other fats. Walnuts have small amounts of omega-3 fat. Although nuts are high in fat and calories, they can actually help with weight loss. Their protein, fiber and healthy fats provide a feeling of fullness, which can keep you from overeating.
    Nutrients: Magnesium, vitamin E, fiber, riboflavin, magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamin E.
    Recipe Tip: Toast a whole-grain English muffin and spread with low-fat cream cheese. Top with a handful of crushed walnuts or slivered almonds.
    Benefits: Flaxseeds have omega-3 fats, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
    Nutrients: Magnesium, phosphorus, copper, fiber, thiamin, manganese, potassium and zinc.
    Recipe Tip: Sprinkle ground seeds on cold or hot cereal, yogurt or cottage cheese. Add them to smoothies.
    Benefits: This food has gained a lot of attention lately. Pomegranates have up to three times the antioxidants of red wine and green tea. The juice can help prevent heart disease and stroke. Drinking pomegranate juice long term may also help slow aging and protect against certain cancers.
    Nutrients: Vitamin C and potassium.
    Recipe Tip: Toss the seeds into a green salad or a fruit salad. Mix them into yogurt or add to cooked oatmeal.

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